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Board-pairing turn with SPR 1

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Board-pairing turn with SPR 1

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (5 Players) CO: $191.80
BN: $115.90
SB: $216.53
BB: $197.00 (Hero)
UTG: $261.18
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BB with 9 K T 6
2 folds, BN raises to $7.00, SB folds, Hero calls $5.00
Flop ($15.00) 8 K 7
Hero checks, BN bets $11.25, Hero raises to $32.00, BN calls $20.75
Turn ($79.00) 8 K 7 8

Having a hard time wrapping my head around this turn spot. I make a somewhat light pre-flop call (let's skip past that, please) and flop top pair + wrap. I think the flop check-raise is pretty standard, but I'm very uncertain on the turn. BB should have a large range advantage, but it's not clear to me that betting accomplishes much with any part of our range. The board has become very static, so very often we either A) have a boat that needs no protection B) are up against a boat and drawing dead. Blocker effects are very important here: if we have the boat-y cards it's much more likely our opponent has the draw-y cards, and vice versa. I think this probably points towards a check or a small bet over a shove. So...

Do you have a betting range on this turn? If so, what size? Does it make any sense to have a shoving range?

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