Cbet sizing MW oop squeezed pot

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Cbet sizing MW oop squeezed pot

I could come up with some actual hands but in the first hand I am interested in some general point of views and arguments.

Lets say I squeeze with a 5% range. Very AK/AA dominated but also some DS-RD. I get 2 callers and an A-high flop.

Admittedly I often look at my actual holding and size up if I have a hand that can bet/call high but not small cbet (for more FE) and a bit down if have to bet/fold - or have a monster.

I would usually trying to size the minimum that would still fulfill 2 criteria:

* Creating SPR of max or close to 1:1 on turn for max leverage and less implied
* Not giving pot-odds for villains vs. AA to hands that otherwise wouldn't have pot-odds

How does that sound? Am I missing some parameters?

I guess it doesn't have to be squeezed pot so feel free to give other examples and explain you reasoning.

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