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defended checking range with set, 5 card omaha,0.5/1$

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defended checking range with set, 5 card omaha,0.5/1$

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) CO: $204.85
BN: $204.36
SB: $81.00
BB: $185.04
UTG: $120.73 (Hero)
MP: $232.03
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Q 3 3 A A
Hero raises to $3.50, MP calls $3.50, 4 folds
Flop ($8.50) 2 J 3
Hero checks, MP bets $8.00, Hero calls $8.00
Turn ($24.50) 2 J 3 K
Hero checks, MP bets $6.00, Hero calls $6.00
River ($36.50) 2 J 3 K K
Hero bets $24.00, MP raises to $106.68, Hero folds
Final Pot MP wins $82.00
Rake is $2.50

I dont know what range he is,and also my range is looking too weak, I dont know what is a right desicion!

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