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Facing raise on turn with crappy two pair + OE

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Facing raise on turn with crappy two pair + OE

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) UTG: $83.64
MP: $58.75
CO: $56.14
BN: $20.45
SB: $128.27
BB: $68.18 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BB with J T 9 2
UTG raises to $1.75, 2 folds, BN calls $1.75, SB folds, Hero calls $1.25
Flop ($5.50) 5 Q T
Hero bets $4.00, UTG calls $4.00, BN folds
Turn ($13.50) 5 Q T 2
Hero bets $10.00, UTG raises to $42.89, Hero

Was calling preflop a mistake? I was getting a good price and I would have relative position on the original raiser.

Should I lead on this flop? I thought check calling would be too weak if I wanted to peel the flop. I like to lead out with strong hands like sets and some marginal hands like this one to balance. Is that correct strategy on these stakes?

Turn we make crappy two pair + OE and now he raises. What to make of that?

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