Habitually shipping it with AAXX double suited at deep cash games rather than calling

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Habitually shipping it with AAXX double suited at deep cash games rather than calling

What i find it difficult to interpret sometimes is the fine line between calling a 4-6 bet preflop pot bet or just playing for all your chips given the stacks are deep with 150+ bb. I'm considering whether it's a flaw in plo as in holdem a premium pocket hand playing for all your chips preflop certainly isn't. Given the equity of hand matchups in plo i find it more porfitable to call these situations rather than to play for all your chips but the dilemma rises when your given the task of calling someones else allin as well with AAXX double suited. Is there any optimum way to profitably play these hands, even though you will probably get in another 40-60 situation and can rebuy as many times you like. Is it considered donkish to play for all of your chips?

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