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Home game 3 way allin, with side pot. HELP!

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Home game 3 way allin, with side pot. HELP!

I play in a plo home game, the game is "5/10" but its actually 5/10/20/40 locked on.
Most pots go 5-6 way, no matter what the action is pre. Its a typical home game with recreational players.
I think we were playing 9 handed at the time, but poker juice only has 6 players so I've used game builder with 25/50 blinds to represent how the action went but in reality there were 2 more players in the blinds and straddles and there was a couple more mp folds.

To the hand.. BB is a big fish, been playing PLO for about 2 or 3 weeks. Not seen him fold a hand pre yet. He's in for about 35k and has about 20k stack. CO has been playing plenty of pots albeit not very aggressively pre. We can safely assume his 4bet range is precisely AA.

At the time I felt like the BB still being in the hand and our relative stacks meant I could call with this hand and do well enough vs his hand to make up for the CO having me in bad shape. Although I think that calling is definitely a mistake now.

My question. Can anyone help me work out, either with PJ or some other method, my $ equity of check getting it in here?
Its quite difficult being allin hu for a big side pot and 3 way for the main.

3bet vs flat pre?
peel 4bet vs fold pre?
pot flop vs x/gii vs x/f?

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