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How to play AA on turn? Zoom25

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How to play AA on turn? Zoom25

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $17.37
SB: $25.28
BB: $33.66
UTG: $35.19
MP: $76.48 (Hero)
CO: $36.65
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is MP with A 9 A T
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.75, CO calls $0.75, BN folds, SB calls $0.65, BB calls $0.50
Flop ($3.00) 2 4 T
SB bets $2.09, BB folds, Hero calls $2.09, CO calls $2.09
Turn ($9.27) 2 4 T 3
SB checks, Hero checks, CO checks
River ($9.27) 2 4 T 3 K
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $8.88, SB folds, Hero calls $8.88

SB is a reg, CO unknown to me. Not sure what SB is leading here, maybe overpairs with straight draws or sets but since I got the ten and bdfd I decided to call. I find myself in these spots a lot OTT where I feel I want to bet but then someone always shoves with the nuts.


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