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Is there a big difference between 3-betting vs squeezing?

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Is there a big difference between 3-betting vs squeezing?

Do we need to be a lot tighter with a squeeze compared to a 3b? I think I have been losing so much money by both 3-betting but probably the most by squeezing way too many hands (often single suited overpairs, AQQx, AKKx, and most single suited AA except the worse ones like AA82ss. I happily 3bet & sqz AA42ss, is that a mistake?) and end up in a multiway pot and go broke with my overpair. For example, should I 3b AA75ss SB vs CO but just call the same hand if MP opens and CO calls? Ace high suit that is.

What would you suggest me to do to improve this BIG leak that I have? I am watching videos from Phil but the spots has not really been there that often... Just keep watching or? I have been using PLO Matrix, but yeah, it has not really worked out...

Would really appreciate advice!! :)

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