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Killing PLO 5 and 10

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Killing PLO 5 and 10

Hi! I'll be doing a challenge to beat 5 and 10 plo soundly until i have bankroll for 25. I might feel i can play 25 before i'm actually rolled for it but hopefully i will be able abstain from it. I made 400$ from 15 last week playing exclusively 5 and 10 plo (100 was rb from supernova) and busted at 50 HU running 10 bi< ev. I have no graph since I reinstalled my windows because of my severe case of OCD but i ran exactly on EV so not some super hot upswing winning all flips. Anyways i'm sure i can do it again and i'll play and update daily until i have ~600. Starting bankroll = 150.
I'm doing this to debunk the myth that rake is too big and also for myself to prove once and for all i'm not a weak whiney piece of shit that wants a bankroll to fall from the heavens. Let the games begin!
Oh and ofc i'll be playing only zoom... i don't want to grow white hair before i make money.

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