live 5/10 game with 50 button straddle- strategy?

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live 5/10 game with 50 button straddle- strategy?

Hi guys, I play in a 5/10 nine handed private game that allows for a 50 button straddle.  It's raked pretty hard at 50 max per hand (5%).  The game has a few very standard pros and the rest very weak passive recreational players with one or two super spews.  Considering the 50 straddle, players are fairly shallow at usually 1000-1500 stacks (initial buyin and most rebuys for most players). 

There is usually always 4-5 players to every flop- both limped and single raised pots.  3betting is infrequent.  Most of the rec players play very conservative but stationey post flop (only valuing nutty hands), but of course the super spews are getting it in light and making moves.

With the 50 button straddle and the 1500 stacks, what type of hands would you recommend that I limp/raise the straddle?  Any input would be appreciated. Thanks guys

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