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Need Help!

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Need Help!

Hello everybody, first time posting here. I've been a member here for a bit and I've watched basic content up until recently where I've decided to take a deep dive and start really studying online PLO. I couldn't resist buying Phils This is PLO and It has kind of motivated me to use my time as an opportunity to get back online and create another income stream during the daytime where it used to be filled up with running a company non-related to Poker. I have not played for profit online since Party was removed from the US market. I've been playing poker for profit for over 20 years. Half of that was in Las Vegas full time basically playing the biggest games in the room. (Mostly NL but a fair amount of mix and PLO) The last 10 years I have moved out of town because of an opportunity to own a business and have a balanced life with my wife and kids. I knew poker wasn't going anywhere and I knew private games were becoming better than casino games anyhow. I currently play the equivalent of 10/25 up to 50/100 plo live. I host two of these games at my place and occasionally play at a couple other spots with merged player pools. In general, I'm in a very good spot.

Now that my background is out of the way, I'm asking for some help. I've probably watched 50 videos not to mention the first stages of Phil's This is PLO. And diving deep into the solver has been fun to study and learn. Up until this point I've been using strictly exploitive strategies as very few in my live player pool are paying much attention. I loaded 10K onto ignition and went off to prove how great I was. But, knowing I needed to be prepared for a tougher player pool, I have been studying three hours a day for the past month with give or take about three hours of playtime per day. I know the site is anonymous but I must say it sure looks pretty juicy at times at the 2/5 level. I have resisted playing bigger as I wanted to prove the concept first. Unfortunately this has gone very sideways. I'm currently down 21 buy ins playing 2/5 and I no longer know which way is up. That is only through 4000 hands. And I won't allow myself to say that's a small sample size because it's sure seems absolutely atrocious that I could lose that many bbs in such a short period of time.

During this process I have been using HM3. I would like to know what type of stats and or leak finders I could use to try to figure out where on earth it's all going wrong. My gut keeps telling me that I'm just running really bad. As I look at all the big pots I've played there is no doubt that things haven't gone my way but I want to use this as an opportunity to fix the many leaks I'm sure I have. My positional stats look terrible as I am actually losing on the button, lol. And I'm also losing under the gun which I directly attribute to me just playing too loose in that position and from this point forward will fix that for sure.Long story short,, I suck at online PLO and I could sure use some help with HM3 and how to find out where it's all going wrong.

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