New Coaching Opportunity in 2019

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New Coaching Opportunity in 2019

Hey all,

I have noticed the past few months with primarily the players that I work with one on one, but also in the forums as well a lot of indecisiveness and confusion overall regarding preflop play.

I decided to tackle that with a new coaching method that I believe will be a great fit for a lot of you. We are going to start putting you in a better position postflop by becoming much more fundamentally sound preflop. We are going to get rid of the anger and confusion in session that often leads to losing sessions that pile up over time simply due to inefficient preflop play.

The populations that a lot of you play within are going to contain a lot of players that continue to make guesses about what is correct preflop and in turn often make large mistakes. We are going to take advantage of that and put you in a position to have the advantage immediately leading to more winning sessions.

If you are interested, contact me in one of the following ways and we can talk a little more about it:
[email protected]
-PM here

Happy Holidays and I look forward to talking to some of you soon!


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