New to PLO - Site selection
Posted by He-Lord
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Low Stakes
New to PLO - Site selection
My first post here. Not sure if I should have posted this here or to General poker.
Firstly, wow what an amazing site and what an amazing community! Unbelievable value and so easy to use site!
I've been on hiatus from online poker for a couple of years. I used to play LHE at levels 1/2 to 3/6. Now I started again and sadly found out LHE is pretty much dead. I tried LO8 but I think I'll put my effort to learn PLO as there is much more action.
I watched a dozen of RIO videos and read lots of strategy and hand history posts etc and decided I was ready for some Pokerstars PLO10 action. I try to play 2 hours per day and use at least the same amount of time to learning (videos, revieving hand histories, PPT etc.)
So far I've played around 6K hands, about 60% zoom and 40% regular tables. I've started to look some stats and it seems that I am paying around 19bb/100 in rake. And of course after reading all the horror stories about the micros being unbeatable I started worrying.
With my current volume I'll reach Gold VIP level at stars. I calculated that if I use my FPPs to giftcards, I'll get around 30 % rakeback.
I have 60% flat deals at iPoker and Ongame, but their rake at PLO10 is absurd 6.67%. So I guess Stars is preferred choice at PLO10
But how about at levels beyond PLO10? Does anybody have data about rake bb/100 at Pokerstars 25$ vs iPoker 20€?
I don't believe that the micros are unbeatable, I just like to make every move to get my win rate as high as possible.
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