PLO 100 Zoom - Blind Defense

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PLO 100 Zoom - Blind Defense

BN: $50
SB: $100
BB: $100 (Hero)
UTG: $39.45
HJ: $100
CO: $144.90
Over 100 hands villain open raises 45% and seems to be indifferent to position. He continuation bet 14/15 (=93%) on the flop and 4/4 (=100%) on the turn.
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt T J 2 Q
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $23, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls $2
There seems to be a problem with the converter. Villain raises $2 to $3.

My hand certainly is no monster but against someone opening close to half his hands I think it has enough potential. I note that since villain seems indifferent to his position when he open raises he might be oblivious to the finer points of the game and there could be some spots where the high connected cards might gain me a lot of value from dominated straight draws.

Pot is $6.50
Flop ($26.50) 4 J 5 (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $4, Hero calls $4
Villain's high turn continuation bet value makes me want to look into alternative lines to XC. While four hand is certainly no sample size, together with the rest we know about villain it certainly seems like he will second barrel very frequently. I think checkraising is not an option but leading the flop might be.

Pot is $14.50
Turn ($34.50) 4 J 5 K (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $9, Hero raises to $2534, CO calls $25
I raise $25 to $34 of course. While my equity versus his range as a whole does not improve very much on the turn he has a really strong hand less often then most players since he opens and barrels so frequently and will fold better hands as well as weaker hands with equity.

Pot is $82.50
River ($2602.50) 4 J 5 K 2 (2 Players)
Hero bets $59, and is all in, CO folds
I think the river is really close. He would probably shove KJ+ on the turn but might just call K5/K4 and bluffcatch blank rivers and sometimes he has A3. On the other hand he might also call with AsAx and AsKx on the river. Thinking about it now I would probably prefer XF.
Final Pot
Hero wins $79.70

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