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PLO 2-2 casino game strategy

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PLO 2-2 casino game strategy

Hello ,we have in our city we a poker casino where thay play PLO 2-2 or 2-4 without buy in limit full ring . The most people make a buy in for 200- 1000 euro . All the players play loose passive or loose agressive , so you got the most of the time 4-7 people on Flop , so there is no chance to put them out of the POT preflop , doesnt matter how much you raise . The most of them pay alot with Marginal hands at flop or turn( bad flushes or gutshouts )

What would be the best strategy to play aganst that kind of players? Is it even a good idea to 3 bet if you are not in Position and you dont have a monster like suited AA or another strong Combo? What buy in you would recommend? What would be the best overall gameplan vs that kind of players? ( the most of them dont play with outs or odds , they call to much pre and if they hit somethign they play , otherwise they check it down )

sorry for my pure english

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