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PLO10 3-way 3-bet pot, bottom 2pair facing a shove from the shortstack on a draw heavy board OTF

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PLO10 3-way 3-bet pot, bottom 2pair facing a shove from the shortstack on a draw heavy board OTF

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) CO: $31.22 (Hero)
BN: $9.30
SB: $6.10
BB: $10.69
UTG: $3.65
MP: $9.86
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is CO with 6 7 5 6
UTG calls $0.10, MP folds, Hero raises to $0.30, BN raises to $1.05, 2 folds, UTG calls $0.95, Hero calls $0.75
Flop ($3.30) T 7 5
UTG bets $2.60 and is all in, Hero

Hi guys.

I was a bit lost on this flop spot. Is a shove too loose here or should I just fold with the 3-bettor still left to act? UTG is a complete unknown but I assume he is a weaker player judging by the size of his stack and the fact that he limped. BTN plays 30% of his hands and seems to be quite passive and timid. This is the first time he has 3-bet in 156 hands. I think UTG probably has enough draws and one pair hands to justify playing against him but I don't even think I'm a favorite against his range. Propokertools gives me 43,5% against UTG when I give him a range of [TT, 77, 55, 89, Add, Kdd, Qdd, 896, 89J, T, T7]. The problem is should I risk the additional 56bb by shoving when the BTN hasn't made a decision yet and can pretty much make a perfect decision against me? Given that prior to this he hasn't 3-bet in 156 hands I think he probably has range that is very AA and high rundown heavy. Usually single or double suited. He probably only continues with hands that have very good equity against me. What do you think I should do on the flop?

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