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PLO100 - clueless ott vs. delayed c-bet

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PLO100 - clueless ott vs. delayed c-bet

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) BB: $129.35
UTG: $100.00 (Hero)
MP: $100.00
CO: $125.33
BN: $86.28
SB: $277.62
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is UTG with J A K 8
Hero raises to $3.50, MP raises to $12.00, 4 folds, Hero calls $8.50
Flop ($25.50) 9 J T
Hero checks, MP checks
Turn ($25.50) 9 J T 9
Hero checks, MP bets $15.00, Hero

Villain is a reg playing 33/19/8.0 and I don't think he's out of line with 3-betting IP pre-flop, but I guess he's capable of 3-betting polarized here (so not only super premium, but probably also some low ds rundown hands or something). Post he's not too aggressive, his AF is 2.6 and in sr pots he only c-bets < 50% (both IP and OOP over 1.1k hands total). In 3-bet pots he c-bets 4/8 IP. Agree on the pre-flop call? What should I have done had he c-bet this flop? And what should my plan be on the turn? Honestly I have no idea, especially being OOP and with more streets to play. Any thoughts appreciated.

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