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PLO100 Strong Combodraw

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PLO100 Strong Combodraw

BB: $100 (Hero)
HJ: $158.85
CO: $100
BN: $105.87
SB: $100.50
Villian is a decent TAG he play 23/18 and cbet 60% cbet Turn is 50%
Preflop ($1.50) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt J 7 9 T
HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls $2
Flop ($6.50) 8 Q 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $4.76, Hero calls $4.76
I decided to c/call and I think this is my standard play against most players.
Turn ($16.02) 8 Q 4 K (2 Players)
Hero checks
What do you think about c/raising on this Turn? SPR is a bit high for this play, but if I c/call my range is so obv, I don't have good bluff outs, so I will have to play straight forward and will lose on all rivers, which doesn't improve me.

What do you think about donk/call this turn? Do you think this is a reasonable play with KQxx?

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