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PLO200 - Another tough BB vs. BTN hand

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PLO200 - Another tough BB vs. BTN hand

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (5 Players) SB: $542.37
BB: $466.87 (Hero)
UTG: $200.00
CO: $967.02
BN: $200.00
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BB with 2 A 8 J
2 folds, BN raises to $9.00, SB folds, Hero calls $7.00
Flop ($21.00) 6 2 J
Hero checks, BN bets $14.00, Hero calls $14.00
Turn ($49.00) 6 2 J 5

Villain is a regular with 50% BTN steal, a standard high c-bet % and unknown 2nd barrel tendencies. Otf c/c seems standard. Ott the problem I have with c/r is that I don't think I'm in such good shape against a betting range. SPR is so low (3.5) that I don't think he'll b/f very often (maybe like some bare J2 or 65?), and especially with the completion of a straight I think most hands that he'll bet with are top two+. So the simple conclusion seems to be to lead. But what to do against a shove? (Probably priced in to call.) Or how to proceed on rivers? Or is all of this maybe an indication that defending was a mistake in the first place, against a decent opponent who pots it pre-flop on an ante table with just 100bb stacks? Or does the combination of pot + fold equity and SPR make this a no-brainer pot/commit?

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