PLO200 HU Overpair on paired rr flop

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PLO200 HU Overpair on paired rr flop

Villian steals 93% pre and dont fold to 3bets.  He wasn´t raising many rr flops until this moment, but there were not many rr paired flops ip for him,  as i dont 3bet that much and only ~100 hands played so far. 

But this Villian definitely attacks paired flops and flops in general in raised pots oop and his croop in raised pots was 50%(!).  He had also shown that he can bluff turns and rivers also after a cr .

Given this information, do u think u can transfer his bluff tendencies and overall aggression into this spot ??? ( which is a spot most villians shut down his bluffs often IMO) 

and call down here?  I mean most villians will  see that i call the flopraise and have Overpair or quads on my own on the turn and shot down their bluffs

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