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plo200,4bet kk9jds oop,flop qq3

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plo200,4bet kk9jds oop,flop qq3

SB: $409.84 (Hero)
BB: $209.84
HJ: $251.90
CO: $203
BN: $420.32
Preflop ($3.00) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt K K 9 J
HJ raises to $6, CO raises to $10, BN calls $10, Hero raises to $48, BB folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN calls $38
Flop ($115.00) Q Q 3 (2 Players)

btn is 50/34,3bet 18,afq 45,very laggy,play 6 tables,but he is not too fishy.

I think my pf 3bet is strd,my question is:

1.Should we worry about he has qx with spr=3?what is the best line?

2.what if we don't have flush draw,only bare kk?


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