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PLO200z - AAKJss deep flop spot vs. unknown

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PLO200z - AAKJss deep flop spot vs. unknown

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players) BN: $441.33
SB: $391.07
BB: $1266.73
UTG: $221.95
MP: $159.46
CO: $618.07 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is CO with J K A A
2 folds, Hero raises to $7.00, BN raises to $24.00, 2 folds, Hero raises to $75.00, BN calls $51.00
Flop ($153.00) Q 5 4
Hero bets $100.00, BN raises to $366.33 and is all in

Villain is unknown. Our hand is premium enough to 4B but the question is should I be? Or just play a bit more cautious until I develop some reads?

Anyway, I bet flop for value/protection. When he shoves I think the worst hands he is doing it with are flipping or slight favourite against me (ie. wraps). Gross spot in general. Thoughts?

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