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PLO200z - Preflop spot deep with 9875ds

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PLO200z - Preflop spot deep with 9875ds

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players) BN: $173.60
SB: $270.79
BB: $573.20 (Hero)
UTG: $735.61
MP: $185.27
CO: $436.10
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BB with 8 9 7 5
UTG raises to $7.00, MP raises to $24.00, CO folds, BN calls $24.00, SB calls $23.00, Hero calls $22.00, UTG raises to $144.00, MP raises to $185.27 and is all in, BN folds, SB folds, Hero

I'm wondering if I should be flatting this hand with so many players in the pot, 3-betting, or folding.

As played I think we gotta call? My equity is probably just barely enough and since MP short raised I will be able to see a flop vs UTG whom I hopefully have decent equity against with implied odds.

My gut tells me this is a losing play long term though. Cold calling two big bets, being OOP, with a hand that is likely to be dominated in at least one of my suits.

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