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PLO 5 cards coaching

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PLO 5 cards coaching

Offering PLO5, PLO6 coaching, It has been my main game in the past 5 years on the apps.
Currently playing mostly plo 1k-2k on various apps and up to 5k live games.
Part of my results, a little outdated but been playing lately where it's hard to track hands.
PM for more info here, discord WhoIsNext#9941 or telegram: Whoisn3xt

Most hands are from 40 or 50 vpip 6max tables on first graphs and others are mostly regular tables.

During coachings we can do video review, hand history review, work with odds oracle, work with vision, database analysis, theoretical discussion and plugging leaks, total developement of poker thinking and how to choose the right spots to play and can help with game selection and access to closed games.

Price is 200$/hour, I also offer packages of 5 hours for 800$ and 10 hours for 1400$

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