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PLO50 ZOOM hand review

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PLO50 ZOOM hand review

Someone can give his/her opinion upon this hand?
It was in the very beginning of a session PLO50.

$50.00 USD PL Omaha - Sunday, August 16, 07:13:04 ET 2015
Table Aquarius Dwarf (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero ( $168.37 USD ) - VPIP: 26, PFR: 15, 3B: 5, AF: 2,0, Hands: 367
Seat 2: Player2 ( $84.13 USD ) - VPIP: 33, PFR: 33, 3B: 0, AF: 1,0, Hands: 9
Seat 3: Player3 ( $56.24 USD ) - VPIP: 58, PFR: 25, 3B: 0, AF: 5,0, Hands: 12
Seat 4: Player4 ( $137.15 USD ) - VPIP: 80, PFR: 40, 3B: 40, AF: 0,0, Hands: 10
Seat 5: Player5 ( $38.10 USD ) - VPIP: 22, PFR: 22, 3B: 50, AF: 1,0, Hands: 9
Seat 6: Player6 ( $29.77 USD ) - VPIP: 67, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: 0,0, Hands: 3
Player2 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Player3 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

* Dealing down cards *
Dealt to Hero [ Qh Ah Kc Ad ]
Player4 raises [$1.75 USD]
Player5 folds
Player6 calls [$1.75 USD]
Hero raises [$7.75 USD]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 calls [$6.00 USD]
Player6 calls [$6.00 USD]
* Dealing Flop * [ 3c, Kd, Qd ]
Player4 bets [$22.92 USD]
Player6 folds
Hero calls [$22.92 USD]
* Dealing Turn * [ Jc ]
Player4 bets [$67.34 USD]
Hero folds
Player4 wins $67.34 USD
Player4 wins $67.34 USD from main pot

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