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Pre-flop play in early position, full ring PLO

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Pre-flop play in early position, full ring PLO

In Detroit, where I play, they recently started spreading 5/10 PLO. The tables here are 10-handed (economic downturn, etc.). Playing from early position in a 10-handed game feels kinda like trying to run through a brick wall. Most of the online PLO discussion seems to focus on 6-max. I'm interested in pre-flop play at a full-ring table. Obviously we need a strong hand to play from early position, but how strong? Top 15%? 8%? Should we have a mixed strategy of raising and limping, or confine ourselves to one or the other? Which type of hands play better as raises, and which as limps? A typical line-up would be something like 7 loose-passive droolers, 1 spewy maniac, and 1 solid reg. I'd love to hear from someone who has experience playing in this kind of live game and feels like they have a good game plan from early position.

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