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Recommended bankroll for PLO $5/$10

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Recommended bankroll for PLO $5/$10

Hey Guys

I've managed to concur my downswing over the past few months, and I would just like to thank the team and members at RIO, the videos really helped me a lot and I finally got somewhat a decent roll thanks to the site and its members.

I played $5/$10 PLO for 6 months and was losing on average $600+ a day, everyday. I then watched some videos and took advice from some members and grinded $2800 up to $9000 over about 5k hands at the $1/$2 PLO tables. My game has changed drastically and I believe I'm ready to move up again to $5/$10, but before I get myself in the same situation as I have been in for the past 6 months, I would like to know if you guys think my bankroll is big enough to move back to $5/$10?

I know 5k hands isn't much, but I have this overwhelming feeling of confidence that I haven't felt in a very long time, haven't slept in 2 days because of it haha. So at the moment I have $9311 in my PS account, is this enough to take on $5/$10?

Thanks in advance.

Won 6k yesterday, lose it all back today. Not so confident about moving up to $5/10 anymore lol

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