RIO PokerJuice/Odds Oracle Analyses

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RIO PokerJuice/Odds Oracle Analyses

RIO PokerJuice/Odds Oracle Analyses (publicly viewable gdoc)

I'm in a creative mood. Being excited about new software modeling tools has a lot to do with that. I want to play ball, bounce ideas back and forth, and explore new tools and analysis sharing technology in depth.

To boost fruitful discussion I have therefore decided to write up some analyses snipped from RIO videos and threads, using the PokerJuice/Odds Oracle combo, and sharing it with you. Making it an analysis resources doc of sorts. 

Starting with a river bluffcatching spot hand from Di Dang's latest video. I wrote up a simple analysis illustrating basic PokerJuice analysis and sharing functionality:

1. Di Dang River Bluffcatching Spot - Feb 9 2014

If you want to explore these tools with me, feel free to use this doc as a source of information and inspiration. To get us started, I will x-post this in Ph33rox' recent thread, where he is in a bluffcatching spot, similar to the Di Dang hand:

50PLO - Can I bluffcatch this river?

I'd like to attack Ph33rox' spot together with you, using the Di Dang writeup as a template. Then we can analyze, share, tweak assumptions, re-analyze and back and forth until we are content. It will be fun and we'll learn lots of stuff. :-)


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