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Should we lead the turn?

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Should we lead the turn?

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $41.63
SB: $64.63 (Hero)
BB: $29.39
UTG: $44.63
MP: $27.80
CO: $25.13
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is SB with 6 K K T
UTG raises to $0.85, MP folds, CO calls $0.85, BN folds, Hero calls $0.75, BB folds
Flop ($2.80) 8 4 7
Hero checks, UTG checks, CO bets $1.37, Hero calls $1.37, UTG folds
Turn ($5.54) 8 4 7 A
Hero checks, CO checks
River ($5.54) 8 4 7 A 3
Hero bets $5.30, CO folds
Final Pot SB wins $5.30
Rake is $0.24

Flop: I don't believe leading is a good idea, as we don't have enough nutted components to make te bet. Turn: I was thinking about leading as villian should check some weakish flushdraws back on the flop and we still have all those hands in our check calling range. It may be a good spot to turn some straight draws plus pair blocker into a bluff.
River: I guess we are only repping flushes when we do bet the river, so I decided to bet pot because of it.

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