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Straight + flush redraw on turn, but board pairs river, facing bet

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Straight + flush redraw on turn, but board pairs river, facing bet

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (3 Players) BB: $73.25
BN: $50.68
SB: $52.61 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with J T A 9
BN folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1.00
Flop ($3.00) 8 9 7
Hero bets $2.25, BB calls $2.25
Turn ($7.50) 8 9 7 Q
Hero checks, BB bets $5.00, Hero raises to $22.50, BB calls $17.50
River ($52.50) 8 9 7 Q Q
Hero checks, BB bets $47.00 and is all in, Hero calls $26.36 and is all in

Hi guys,

Same vilain than in the other hand, 46/25, seems to defend wide its BB vs SB, apparently quite aggro post flop (especially by raising CBets on flops) and sticky vs CB.

As already mentionned, I am rather new to PLO. I am not sure about the c/r turn; I thought that allowing sets or 2pairs to see a river was not that awfull and that c/r was the best way to freeroll TJxx and to take value on other straight. But I guess that this could be challenged.

Hopefully he bets, I raise with pleasure, but the board pairs river. Is it a check/call or a check/fold ?

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