Useful PPT formula + AA 4bet pre

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Useful PPT formula + AA 4bet pre

I watched a very useful Tom Coldwell video on the subject of calling 4bets. In the video Tom gave a time consuming method for calculating average equity above a certain threshold (the equity we need to correctly stack off on the flop), using PPT.

I think I have a much easier method so I thought I would share it/get it checked by those more knowledgable than I.

select avg(equity(DSRD, flop)) as DSRD_avEquity

from game="omahahi", DSRD="JhTh9s8s",

where minEquity(DSRD,flop,0.32)

If you enter the above three lines into the PQL runner at PPT you will obtain, I think, the average minimum equity of JT98ds averaged over the times when the minimum equity is 32% or better.

To calculate how likely you are to flop 32% of better enter the following

select count(minEquity(DSRD,flop,0.32)) as suff_Eq

from game="omahahi", DSRD="JhTh9s8s",

And one question. We open AA on the button (100BB deep), big blind 3 bets, we 4bet, big blind calls. Are we now committed to gii on any flop? 

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