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Wat with low rundowns when got 2 allin before me?

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Wat with low rundowns when got 2 allin before me?

BN: Shivana27: $5.74
SB: chk51: $14.31
BB: shashoualex: $10.68
UTG: Nemesis_gr83: $11.46
HJ: 05shaka: $10.56
CO: dunvagen: $4.20
Preflop ($0.15) (6 Players)
shashoualex was dealt 6 9 7 5
Nemesis_gr83 raises to $0.35, 05shaka raises to $1.20, dunvagen folds, Shivana27 calls $1.20, chk51 folds, shashoualex calls $1.10, Nemesis_gr83 raises to $6.05, 05shaka raises to $10.56, and is all in, Shivana27 calls $4.54, and is all in, shashoualex raises to $10.68, and is all in, Nemesis_gr83 calls $4.63
Flop ($40.46) J 7 3 (4 Players)
Turn ($40.46) J 7 3 5 (4 Players)
River ($40.46) J 7 3 5 Q (4 Players)
Final Pot
shashoualex has 6 9 7 5 shashoualex wins $21.97 , shashoualex wins $141 , shashoualex wins $0.24
I cant fold 5678 6789 789T double suit in 2 way 3 way or anyway allin in plo
Can someone tell me why i should ever fold those in preflop allin situation that came back to me
Iknow its not always win but i think i win more with these then aces or im imagening?
Iknow suit doesnt matter much cause its very low but these cards often hit str8s aces are often blockers only or in opposite suit as these, such type hands, iknow zen said get u in trouble hand , but what about preflop allins? :S
I still cant find fold, i started play them less from UTG or plus 1 so i dont get as much in trouble with low flush draws when hand is played, as Zen suggested and im thankful and may add much good it did to my bankroll , but what about preflop allining?

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