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What to do here against a 3bet?

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Posted by posted in Mid Stakes

What to do here against a 3bet?

Blinds: $2.50/$5.00 (6 Players) BN: $248.35
SB: $518.12
BB: $1029.80 (Hero)
UTG: $677.45
MP: $536.00
CO: $522.72
Preflop ($7.50) Hero is BB with T K 5 A
3 folds, BN raises to $17.50, SB raises to $57.50, Hero calls $52.50, BN calls $40.00
Flop ($172.50) 3 6 7
SB checks, Hero bets $127.50, BN folds, SB raises to $460.62 and is all in, Hero calls $333.12
Turn ($1093.74) 3 6 7 5
River ($1093.74) 3 6 7 5 6
Final Pot SB wins and shows two pair, Aces and Sixes.
BB lost and shows two pair, Sixes and Fives.
SB wins $1090.74
Rake is $3.00

Btn and SB are regs but don't have any stats, so i guess a 10%3bet seems fine.
Felt i played it wrong, do i just fold pre? especially with Btn shortstacking i can just get isolated so easy.

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