Elite Pro
Jen Shahade
In an effort to improve her speed and accuracy when calculating linear and geometric growth of the pot, Jen Shahade creates a spreadsheet to test her skills and improve the accuracy of her bet sizes across all streets.
March 8, 2018 | 5 p.m.
Jen Shahade discusses the nuances of charity tournaments and how to succeed in these unique forms of poker. Multiple rebuys, quickly increasing blinds and a raucous atmosphere often make these events both fun and present a good opportunity to do well against lesser competition.
Nov. 3, 2017 | 5 p.m.
Jen examines some footage from her appearance on Shark Cage and discusses how she prepared for the unique format.
May 5, 2017 | 5 p.m.
Jen discusses her approach to a relatvely new MTT variant in which the winner of the hand gains the button for the following hand.
Oct. 14, 2016 | 5 p.m.
Jen breaks down some situations in the Deuce to Seven variant of Open Face Chinese.
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5 p.m.
Inspired by the study of recent OFC situations, Jen looks at her own use of software and how personal bias may color her decisions.
June 3, 2016 | 5 p.m.
Jen breaks down some close spots in Open Face Chinese dealing with potential flushes.
April 15, 2016 | 5 p.m.
Jen discusses a common end game scenario in OFC, choosing between leaving a pair and a kicker alone for the chances of running out to a boat or adding a live kicker.
Feb. 19, 2016 | 5 p.m.
Jen utilizes Open Face Solutions to practice some open face tactics and help sharpen her sets.
Dec. 22, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen shares her thoughts on the unregulated honor system that supports many OFC games and how to maximize your EV while factoring in the risks of being freerolled by unscrupulous opponents.
Nov. 10, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen discusses simul draws, situations that require cards from two different sets to achieve, and the math behind their odds of completion.
Sept. 11, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen jumps into a live session in which she plays one table of 2-7 and one of traditional pineapple.
Aug. 8, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen explores some to the subtle variations in OFC formats and looks for added EV by adapting to every shifting landscape of the nascent OFC world.
July 2, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen discusses some strategic considerations for playing two card draws in Pineapple, and offers a primer on the Deuce variant of OFC.
May 10, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen discusses her heads up battle and touches on the nuances of negotiating a favorable deal.
March 12, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jen breaks down hands using footage from the live stream of her win in the OFC Pineapple High Roller event held in Prague.
Jan. 27, 2015 | 5 p.m.
Jennifer discusses some of the strategic differences that arise from playing 3-handed and delves in to some combintorical math to solve some tricky spots.
Dec. 18, 2014 | 5 p.m.
Jen tackles some cash game play on Tonybet and evaluates the setting options available to her as well as her opposition.