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BlankyLion - Life goes on

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BlankyLion - Life goes on

Hey guys. I'm south korean and 25 years old.

Recently I've been hit with pretty painful downswing, and I've even come to the point where I don't want to play poker. But I have to play poker in the end and get over this sloth. I thought writing a blog to might help break this situation.

I have enjoyed playing strategy games (such as hearthstone chess league of legends etc ) since I was younger, and I first encountered poker at the age of 18.

Ever since I turned 20, I've enjoyed poker as a hobby and mostly played SNG on stars.

Then I joined the military in 2019 (99% of older than 20years old men must go to the military in south Korea ) and after depositing $200 for gg poker in the military, whenever I had free time, I studied by watching several videos and started grinding from R&C cash nl2.

In 2021, I was discharged from the military and played 100k hands for each limit from nl2 to nl25 and won with a pretty good win rate. (I have a win rate of 5~7bb in NL2~NL5)

In 2022, I entered college and while I was in college, I couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork, and I kept playing poker, drinking, and hanging out. At this time, I was playing gg50~100nl, and I spent a lot of money on Poker Bankroll.

In 2023, I continued to play GG 100~200NL R&C. I thought I needed to make a big decision for life at some point after living such a indecisive life, and I didn't like my major and I liked the poker better. So I decided to drop out of college in June 2023 and become a full time poker player.

so yeah . From June 2023, I left the house and started living on my own, and from then on, the only thing disturbing my poker was laziness, except for downswing.

I played Stars as I started hating GG network in 2023.

Here is the result of my entire 2023

2023 Stars

Won + RB : $5470.19
(Card hunt , leaderboard is not included)

Won + RB : $ 11,106.53
(Card hunt , leaderboard is not included)

I made $16,576.72 on stars.

and also made additional $4k on live poker.

Here is the entire of 2024.

yet I played only stars and very small volume of KR live poker games in 2024.

I played a little more 100z at the beginning of the year, then immediately started playing 200z. I had quite a hard time getting used to the pool in January, got a little bit better in February, and then in mid-March I completely rekt.

2024 Stars (Jan~march)

Graph version

200z nightmare (March 8 ~ March 14 )
after this I movedown to 100z again. I think I've been on primedope a lot in this week.
but still it was so much painful.

Okay now I will set my goal.

[Small goal]

1. back to the 200z.
recover some BR on 100z and give a try to get back 200z.

2. back to the tables.
After nightmare I'm constantly having downswing, so it's painful to play poker, but I have to go back after a little break

3. post results on blog per 1month.
The biggest reason I decided to write a blog. To keep making myself play poker, whether the results are good or bad
Idk 1month is proper posting cycle. lmk

4. play at least 5days per week in april.
If i running good, I can play 6days a week. In April, even if i running bad, I should try to play at least 5 days a week.

[Goal of the year].

1. develop skills and BR for 500z
This is one of the biggest goals I set when I decided to play poker full time. Achieving this is my most important goal. I really want to achieve this before the end of the year

2.Creating a habit of exercising consistently.
jesus this is so hard. but I have to.


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