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COVID Cbetting Course

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COVID Cbetting Course

Hi everyone! I’m QY, professional poker player and Elite RIO coach. I’m writing this to announce a coaching package that I’ve been working on for some time now. Here’s what’s on offer:

• 10 hours of private coaching
• 6max 100bb preflop ranges
• Pio solves for all common spots (184*8 total)
• Charts and spreadsheets designed for independent study
• Access to study group (where I’ll be available to answer any questions)

Launch price is US$1600, and for every package that I sell, $100 will go to the WHO COVID-19 response fund. (Do note that this is a promotional price that applies only if you sign up before 30th June. After that, the price will be adjusted upwards according to demand.)

Who is this package aimed at?
Online players 5 to 500nl, and live players of any stake.

Do I have to pay upfront?
No, you can pay by the hour.

Sweet, tell me more!
Imagine you are cooking a dish. You use the most expensive, high-quality ingredients, but fail to follow the instructions in the recipe. Anyone can tell you that the dish will be a disaster. And yet this is what lots of players do: focus on things that contribute to ~1% of our EV (like blockers), and ignore what gives us the remaining 99%.

How do we cook a good dish?
There are two components to this: understanding how good or bad the runout is (and how aggressively it allows us to play), and knowing how the different hand classes in our range fit into this bigger strategy. Only after that do we start thinking about blockers/using better ingredients. In the 10 hours, we will apply this philosophy to the most common cbetting spots, and I’ll show you how quickly you can breeze through each spot simply by focusing on what matters. Even complicated mixed strategies become quite easy to execute once you learn how to cut out the noise.

• Master basic cbetting situations
• Understand the logic behind sizings and frequencies used in each situation
• Learn how to study effectively with solvers by focusing on what matters
• Use this knowledge/approach to study other spots on your own

Not convinced?
Try the first hour completely free!

You can find a more detailed outline + FAQ here.

Some testimonials from my 4+ years as a coach.

Update: I am no longer offering a free hour. Instead, we will go by my current rate of $200/hr, and if we get to 8hrs I'll send over the materials + do 2 free hours.

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