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From a zero to a negative 1!

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From a zero to a negative 1!

Hi, and welcome to my PLO journal: From a zero to a negative 1!

Check list for being good at PLO:

Do you never fold to a 3bet?

Do you fall asleep to Phil Galfond's voice?

Are you from Scandinavia? 

Do you know every word off Kenny Rogers legendary song "I'm Gonna Sing You A Sad Song Susie"?

Do you have a live sized Odd Oddsen doll?

If you answered yes to all of those, your either crushing the PLO game or your me.

Goals and aspirations:

I'm currently losing at PLOz 010, my goal is to be losing at PLOz 1.0.

About myself:






Reviews from other players:

FloridaKiss "Hope you FAMILY burn DO!!!"

YourSoWrong "Retarded preflop 3bet call!"

kingh0lli "Like sand through the hourglass so are the days of our lives"

Sorry for the lack of fancy layout don't know how that works...

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