Gazjax69 - Nacho Mental Game Coach!
Posted by gazjax69
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Gazjax69 - Nacho Mental Game Coach!
A bit about me.
With extensive support and help from FreeNachos and the Nachos CFP, I have over the last 2.5 years moved from breaking even after RB at 50z to playing as high as 600nl with some reasonable success. In addition to my climb up stakes, I have also taken my knowledge from my Sport Science Degree and applied it to the role of Mental Game Coach for the CFP as well. So if anyone ever asks if I would recommend a CFP it is usually ‘it depends on the CFP’ (Ive been in another one which had almost no positive impact on my game), but if anyone asks if I’d recommend Nachos the answer is always YES! It has arguably changed my life and made me into a poker player I never would have been able to be on my own. I know this because I tried for 20 years and never got beyond low stakes.
As my area of expertise was in Education and Sport Science, I have a better understanding of high performance more so than the therapeutic elements of mental game coaching. Which is why over the last 9 months I have really focused on developing that area of my mental game coaching. As a result I’ve delivered over 10 hours of mental game content in areas ranging from scheduling and habit forming to developing confidence and motivation. In addition to this I have had many 1:1 coaching sessions with members from the team which has been really interesting for developing my coaching strategies.
One area Ive had an interest in but never found time to commit to studying is in Stoicism. I think it’s a great way to diversify my mental game understanding whilst studying something I find interesting personally. This year Father Christmas brought me Ryan Holiday’s book, ’The Daily Stoic’, so to start this blog off, I am aiming to create a daily habit of reflecting on a Stoic principle or quote. John Assaraf (Innercise) notes that habits take a varied amount of time to instill depending on its complexity, but that his team usually set a 100 day target to start with. So for first 100 days of 2024, I’m going to take a daily Stoic principle to reflect on it both from a personal and a poker mentality perspective. I expect something will crop up at some point which will lead to me missing a day here and there. But my second rule for habit forming is ‘never miss twice’. So if I do miss I will try to double up the following day.
Tomorrow will be a review of 2023 Before starting my Daily stoic habit on 1st Jan (Beats joining the gym......again!)
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