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Let's skip presentation (i've started too many blog in the last 10 years :D) and go straight to the point: i feel better when i write and i have some goals that i really struggle to accomplish. So, instead fo writing one on my own, i will write here, on a pubblic forum.

The biggest mistake i did last time was to get caught into losing time into meaningless things: i really have few time for poker and 95% (imho obv) of discord talking are toxic, same questions, same replies, etc and like a guy who brainless scrolling Instagram feeds i was doing the same with poker discussions.

The other thing was reading other people blogs. I really really like to read them: you can relate with their personal story, get motivated and so on. So this is not meaningless at all, but when you don't have time, you have to cut also things that can give you something, if theres something else that can give you more.

More specifically, having 1 hour a day for poker the only 2 option i have are study and play.

Beside poker i can transpose this into real life activity. I find myself on the couch in my rare free time, watching motivational stuff on youtube, talking to myself like: "yeah tomorrow we will do this and this" and at the end of the day it comes 10pm and i'm too tired for anything.

It's time to do stuff, stop overthinking like. "i need to know more about this before to do" "i want to plan this better" etc etc....nope, DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT.

Time is too precious to continue watching other people doing stuff or achieving goals.

The goal is to return to an healthy diet, some workout, stretching, cold shower and some poker.

My daily schedule look like this:

6.30 wake up and prepare me work and my little son (22 months old) for the kindergarten (my wife is pregnant, 9 weeks left, so i'm trying to avoid her most of the work when i'm not out for my job)
7.30 - 12.00 job at the factory
12.00 /13.00 now that the boy started at the kindergarten this is a real one FREE hour, so i think i can here some poker, or workout
13.10./ 18.00 job
18.00 21.30 dinner, time with family, stuff at home

A you can see days are pretty full and when 9pm arrive i'm really tired. Fortunatelly my job at the factory is not stressing at all, but very physical, so after 8/9 hours of it i'm pretty exausted.

I don't want to overwhelm myself so let's take one step first:
-cold shower: no extra time needed
-stretching: 10 minutes a day is already better than nothing at all
-no junk food, processed food, sweets and so on. I'm going to start cutting the worst things i can eat

I don't know yet, at the moment i'm playing some nl50 and see how it goes. No pressure

See ya

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