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ESCAPE THE MATRIX WITH POKER: My journey in 2023 from NL5 to ... (Currently: NL200)

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ESCAPE THE MATRIX WITH POKER: My journey in 2023 from NL5 to ... (Currently: NL200)

Hello and welcome in my poker blog,
my name is Martin and I am from Czech Republic. I used to play heads up holdem up nl1k however I was just waiting for fishes and running away from regs so my game skill was very poor concider stakes. I invested all earnings in to realesate/stocks and took 2 years break from poker. Now I would like come back but for 6max holdem. Starting on micro stakes with 100$. I think my skill level is currently around breakeven nl25 6MAX stars player.

What I expect from this blog:

-Track my goals
-Find people on simillar level for study together, share knowledge, review hands, etc (add me on discord if interested: MartinVee#3148)
-Inspire and motivate others
-Talk about investing little bit, make solid passive income and finally ESCAPE THE MATRIX!

I plan to post here once month with summary and goals for next month + during the month randomly add smaller posts if I will have someting interesting to say. Also will focus on giving some tips what I learned in each month so hopefull you can get something usefull from my blog as well :)

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