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Rome wasn't built in a day!

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Rome wasn't built in a day!

I decided to start a new journal, if you didn't follow my old one, here is a link. For 2022 I just want to focus on being steadfast and consistent day to day. In 2021 I allowed myself to be distracted by things that should not have a priority in my life and lacked a lot of discipline. This year I am keeping my goals simple and focused on time management. Planning to work out or some form of cardio every day for roughly 60 minutes, 30 minutes of drilling different formations on wizard, and watch one RIO video each day. I will continue my focus on six max cash games with some live play mixed in hopefully each month over the weekend, but if I'm getting full time poker in (40 hrs.) I will be happy with whatever the results are. I don't mind if it's regular tables, fast fold, or live poker if I put in a consistent 40 hours every week!

For my health or eating habits I'm going to start off slow, at first I thought I would do a 16:8 intermittent fasting, but after watching some videos and seeing how little I actually know about it, I'm just going to set a January goal of not eating after 10pm. February I'll aim for the 16:8 and eventually after 6 months or so hopefully I can get to a 18:6 or 20:4 ratio for best results. I weighed in at 209.5 lbs this morning and by year's end I plan to be around 175 lbs, which should be a healthy weight loss goal of 3 lbs a month.

I enjoy watching NBA and NFL for sports and occasionally bet on them as well. I'm not a degen by any means though and my bets are tiny compared to what other people choose to risk. I fully accept 99% of sports bettors don't make money and I don't claim to be in that top 1%. I will be posting my daily picks for NBA, NFL, and MLB on here, trying to stick to 1 pick for each sport a day. I'll keep my record posted with some graphs of my monthly progress both for poker and sports. I only expect to win maybe $300-$600 on the year and not lose more than $1,000. As mentioned before its totally a recreational hobby that I enjoy because of the little extra sweat I have while watching the games. If I'm able to buy a couple lunches each month from it, great! If not, it is what it is.

Little chart I made just to try and not break the "chain" and be consistent with green boxes every day. I will update daily if possible, on my progress.

Sports Pick for Jan 1st
NBA: Spurs -6.5

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