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7277 points

19 min TT2r-Kcc-9c when opponent shows 9d after min bet + 3bet river. Do you ever give people any credit for bluffing when they only show 1 card? I just look at it as false advertisement and its more likely they had value showing 1 card. Where if they don't show at all there is a chance they were bluffing.

July 25, 2024 | 6:29 p.m.

I am guessing that Robl isn't thinking too much about the math and just going with a live read.

July 24, 2024 | 4:19 p.m.

I enjoyed the commentary. Some visuals wouldn't hurt, but even without wizard or solver visuals I would just include some commentary about the bottom of the ranges. I would love to see some footage of Gman frying fish on HCL or LATB. Review hands of a live cash game crusher.

July 20, 2024 | 8:41 a.m.

31:57 Santosh defends his $1600 straddle with 22. Flop QT2ss (4-ways) you said its an insane check back from Santosh on this flop. Isn't he supposed to just check range to Airball the PFR?

34:45 What do you think of Robl's 4bet size? Is this because of stack depth or just a polarization range? What a savage! I have tried to 3bet light in some of my games where players vary their bet size opening 5x stronger hands and 3x weaker hands, so I'll attack their smaller opens, but they still tend to call the 3bet or BB will cold call the 3bet bringing in the PFR because "pot odds why not?" Why I wish I just stuck to playing like a robot some times because these plays seem to back fire more often than not.

July 19, 2024 | 8:36 a.m.

Probably not solver approved, but it is WHALE GAME THEORY OPTIMAL (WGTO)

30:30 Love <3 that quote! In this hand after flop XX, she bets the turn and Santosh puts in a savage turn raise. After she calls with the OESD, she decided to donk 2/3 pot on the river. Do you think this works against regulars as well? The donk bet seems so savage, but Tyler Forrester did mention something about how recs usually try and represent high cards when they are bluffing and give up on low cards. Would you just give up on any 5-2 low card here on the river and just donk bet any time you make a straight or a high card A-Q come on the river?

I'll be adding more donk bets into my game. H2N data I have seen shows all forms of aggression seem to make money. Whether you are cbetting, XRing, probing, float betting, donk betting, etc. Putting money in the pot seems to be profitable on all streets and more so on later streets.

July 19, 2024 | 8:28 a.m.

18:19 when Santosh is opening hands like 64o in the CO, you mentioned "what do you do if you are Nik on the button?" Typically the button 3bets 12-14% of hands vs CO. Can we just 3bet like 20% of hands here to Isolate someone playing that wide? Like 20% 3bet range for about a 2.5x 3bet size? 200bb deep on wiz CO vs BTN has a 11% 3bet and 9% calling range. But if the CO player is that out of line can we just 3B entire range instead?

25:12 with 3 blinds SB-BB-UTGS you mention the SB range should look like the HJ range. Isn't this too tight? HJ range like 20-22% of hands? Wizard has a 35% range in this spot if straddle + Ante. Raising half the time and limping half the time. Depending on stack depth I also saw a 28% raise or fold strategy. Might be a leak of mine but usually on the button I'll play more of a CO range (25-30%) if there is a straddle. In the SB I'm probably closer to 35% of hands, but opening 3-4x depending on what I think of the player in the straddle. A bit surprised to hear SB should play as tight as the HJ here.

July 19, 2024 | 8:18 a.m.

Also same hand after SB & BB complete $800 each, Airball goes to $5,000 (6.25bb) and you mention you like how Airball goes big here IP. Is 6bb enough vs 2 limpers? I would think that is kind of a normal size, but I think airball can go as big as $8,000 (10bb)?

July 19, 2024 | 7:42 a.m.

13:45 Chino limps T9c in the SB at 2/4/8. In live low stakes cash where there are 1-2 limpers what range are you isolating with from the SB? Can we treat it similar to being in the SB with a straddle? Do we treat it like a 3B or fold spot and only raise top 15%?

I find completing the SB with hands like Q9o, k4s, 75s, A4o etc. vs 1-2 limpers just awkward postflop. I am left playing range check on the flop and guessing games for whatever they are betting with MW. Also, whenever I do Isolate preflop to 5-7bb from the SB vs 1-2 limpers, I am left guessing if I should play it similar to a 3BP OOP or if I treat it like a SRP OOP where I mostly play range check. Then in 3BP I think I get to cbet about 50-70% of the time. Where SRP I might cbet about 25% of the time.

I guess a video request for dealing with limpers from the blinds and how to play postflop would be nice to see.

Wizard using about 26% range to raise out of the SB.

July 19, 2024 | 7:37 a.m.

11:15 When Santosh plays XR-B-X are you playing range check with all your boats on this river as well? If you had 66/55/33/Ks4s/Qs3s etc Are we just checking 100? Also on the turn Santosh kind of telegraphed a weakish hand with 27k into 76k. What hands are we raising with IP here on the turn? Can we just raise all of our over pairs given his bet size? River would be 130k with 99k behind. Not sure if we can just shove some combo draws, over pairs, etc.?

July 19, 2024 | 7:24 a.m.

7:30 with 12k in the pot on the flop what size are you cbetting with QQ? As played when Laak checks back with QQ how are you playing QQ facing this action?

July 19, 2024 | 7:17 a.m.

How do you adjust your BB defense in live games where players are opening 4x? The wizard ranges are extremely tight! They are not too bad if you use CEV compared to 10% live rake, but wanted your feed back on playing 3B or fold as wizard suggest or ignoring the rake and playing a standard range. These are the two ranges side by side. What one would you use or what would you change?

Screen shot

July 19, 2024 | 7:08 a.m.

Recent stream with the hand above. Roughly 4hr 13min into the stream. You can find the hand in the time stamps.

July 18, 2024 | 1:13 a.m.

Video link of hand

The allege cheating continues. Graph doesn't include his last session where he won $55,000. Just happens to limp 4bet J3o and make a full house. Then toy with his opponent about having a tough decision. Maybe Ryan needs to not have access to the hole cards or maybe they should hand shuffle where the deck mate isn't programmed where you can know what seat will win the hand.

Video that shows Deckmate 2 can be hacked.

July 18, 2024 | 1:02 a.m.

37:45 on Ah 8s 6s Kd 9c what does the calling range look like on the river facing a 33-150-300% line? How often do we have to call AX here?

July 14, 2024 | 1:36 a.m.

33:55 with AcQh on QT4cc-9dd-4x board any merit to raising the river after you X back the flop and call turn and face b75 on the river? Feels a bit thin, but if you are giving him a different look with the flop X back, seems ok to raise.

July 14, 2024 | 1:31 a.m.

On wizard on this texture the flop was 2/3 or X. 1/3 was almost never used. Since you chose 1/3 AJ was almost a pure barrel on the turn for 2/3 pot. Given the # of AXs hands in range, I think its fine to BBX this combo. I think river would be too thin to shove right? AJ has about 75% equity. Getting a bit cuspy to shove the river in a 33-70-70 line if we used geo2 on the turn.

Wizard link

July 14, 2024 | 12:09 a.m.

What the MDA red-line wizards recommend here as an exploit vs recs is to 2-barrel bluff these scenarios, given that most players will XF the turn way too often

This comment should not be made public. Way too powerful!

July 14, 2024 | 12:03 a.m.

I ran this on wizard as well. Q9o was pure block betting the river, but QsTd was calling about 1/2 the time. 2 pair combos were only calling about 1/2 the time and even some sets were folding like 25% of the time. On wizard for 100bb, the river shove was 356% pot instead of 5x pot, so going to increase the fold %.

July 13, 2024 | 11:58 p.m.

Your sim what is the difference in your sim vs wizard sim to make AQ pure call on wizard and close to a pure fold on yours?

July 12, 2024 | 11:27 p.m.

Continue the discussion above about this AQo hand facing 300% pot on the turn. Interesting enough using the custom Ai for 125bb. I didn't even have to add 300% pot as an option. It automatically popped up as the custom Ai size. Which would worry me in game that the player finds correct sizing here. Luke Johnson the wizard sim I have is winning 0.49 with your combo. I could customize like 120bb instead of 125, but I don't think it matters too much. I think EV would go slightly lower, but it is showing +EV where in the video you said its a pure fold on your sim.

edit: My mind worries about RTA when playing online quite a bit. After running the sim I think it might be easier for villain to find the 300% turn probe being a geo2 size. It just didn't click in my brain as a geo2 size. I know you don't like geo sizes because ranges are not perfectly polarized as you stated in the comments above. AQ becomes a pure call on the river, but it only has about 46% equity. But you only need 43% to break even vs the 300% shove. Very interesting hand. Villain bluffing with some 63/62/97/T6d/T7d on wizard. A lot of 2 pairs are close to break even calls.

wizard link

Screen shot

July 12, 2024 | 11:04 p.m.


My read on recreationalist as an over arching theme is they like bluffing high cards on low boards but not low cards on high boards.

When you are OOP, when an over card falls on the turn, IP will stab more often? On a QXX board when a low card comes on the turn, they tend to check back more often? But stab too much if a King or ace fall? So instead of representing over cards when they fall on the turn, we should be checking our value hands to the recs to let them bluff?

July 12, 2024 | 10:59 p.m.

26:50 any reason to cold call AK to keep Santosh in the pot rather than cold 4? Also what if the 3 bettor has a tight 3bet range? Are you ever cold calling AK vs nittier players?

July 9, 2024 | 5:03 p.m.

11:35 when Phil flats QQ out of the BB vs JRB. You mentioned something is going on with sharing action possibly. How would you approach this game if you saw QQ at showdown?

I was in a soft game last night where seat 1 was friends with seat 2, even loaned him money to reload. Seat 1 had 93% vpip roughly, but any time seat 2 played a hand, seat 1 tended to open fold. It felt like they were kicking each other under the table. I understand friends soft playing vs each other by checking it down, but it seemed strange for someone cold calling raises with T5o and cold calling 3bets T2s to somehow never get involved in a pot with his friend. They didn't tend to squeeze anyone out of the pot, but I wasn't sure how to approach the spot. It seemed soft at the time, but position is king and if there was some type of signaling going on, I'm not even sure what my edge is OOP.

In the pokergo line up I would be suspicious as a rec after seeing Lak flat QQ.

July 9, 2024 | 4:50 p.m.

7:45 in a MTT for 20bb What do you think about this calling range? The spot TRUEPOWER posted above for the A9o jam. To be fair wizard didn't have any jams, so not sure what to make of the calling range. Roughly 119k to call to win 255k, so we need a hand with 47% equity? In my head I think I would only call something like AJ+ 77+. What would you call with?

July 9, 2024 | 4:39 p.m.

1:10 you mentioned you can have a cbet as middle player on K65r. You are not playing range check OOP PFR? Do you not expect the IP player to stab too much? If you cbet, are you just using 1/3 size? What type of hands are you cbetting?

July 9, 2024 | 4:26 p.m.

22min I see these plays all the time in my soft live games. I have a hard time giving them credit for a strong hand when they XC a small bet on the flop and bet 3/4 turn. What are they trying to represent on this deuce? I tend to pay these bets off in Adam's shoes with JJ because it doesn't make any sense. I like how you broke down the equity of about 82% with 66 here on the turn MW. Where you don't want to play a million dollar pot with bottom set here. How do I apply this thought process to a hand like JJ vs Airball's line? Where I know JJ doesn't want to play a big pot, but have a very hard time folding.

July 8, 2024 | 9:14 p.m.

6min five ways with AJ on J87cc, what do you think of Airballs size $20k into 32k on the flop? Curious what Tang was saying in terms of table talk while Airball was thinking. Usually its a sign of weakness as you feign strength by pretending to be comfortable. As TRUEPOWER picture shows above, Tang has a "please fold" posture lol.

July 8, 2024 | 8:58 p.m.

mx404 That makes sense but being OOP to two players? Hard to negate the positional advantage with a lot of marginal hands. When the reg cbets IP, can we even XR our value or do we want to flat to keep the rec in? A lot of issues postflop still keeping the rec in the pot.

July 8, 2024 | 8:19 p.m.

22:30 AJ on A66dd SB vs BTN 3BP OOP PFR. Any thoughts on just checking range vs recreational similar to SRP? Not just this board, but pretty much all boards. Let them give you info on their hand strength for the bet sizing they choose.

35:00 BvB on 532dd-Qx-Jd board we see solver is calling a lot of AK/AT but pure folding TT-77 and even folding some KJo. I am already over folding on the turn, but these river calls with A3/A2/AK/AT seem impossible to call in game. How many hours of drilling BvB do you think it takes before understanding how to make these calls?

Student seems to do a lot of cold calling in the SB with small and medium pairs, SCs, AXs etc. Do you think student is actually gaining EV? Other coaches say there are no EV to gain with these flats and just stick to 3B or fold.

I hope to see part 2 and 3 of this student review.

July 8, 2024 | 1:08 a.m.

Using 33-73-85 line to match the BBs used by hero in game rather than % 30-69-82. We can see AJh is becoming a +EV call. Quite the brain on that elite reg.

July 5, 2024 | 10:12 a.m.

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