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This time I'm going to make it!

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This time I'm going to make it!

Hey guys,

this is my first thread here on RunItOnce and in this thread I'll make it to mid/highstakes NL, while starting at NL2.

I've played poker the first time around 2012, but never played serious/made any serious commitment until February 2018. I applied at BTS, got accepted into their microstakes program and moved up to NL50 rather quickly, while also taking shots at NL100. Due to problems in my relationship back than I decided to quit poker in early 2019 and never seriously returned since.

This was my graph back than, mainly playing FastForward on Partypoker NL25/NL50:

Since than I left the woman I was with and I'm now on stable foot, so I instantly thought about returning to poker and made a 500$ deposit like 2 weeks ago and I instantly got shit on again on NL10z on stars :D. I reset my PC since and didn't save the database, but I lost around 200$ on the tables, 12 buyins under EV und just feeling overwhelmed and lost in most spots. This is exactly how I felt the time I quit poker, just lost in most spots. I had a fundamental strategy that was working, than introduced solvers into my study routine and Idk how, but ever since I feel lost and confused almost every time I play.

My initial thought was to maybe give up, BUT THIS TIME IM GOING TO MAKE IT. I'm so tired of giving up once I face adversity, so it's time to level up and get serious in life. I swallowed my ego, invested 200$ of my remaining 300$ into the RaiseYourEdge Cash Apprentice course and I started working on it since yesterday. With the remaining 100$, I'm gonna start at NL2 and rebuild my game from scratch.

The main struggle I have is not having a basic framework to think and execute on in the most basic spots. The curriculum at RYE looked just great for that, since it covers the 8 most basic spots I guess. After having read books like Thinking Fast, And Slow and Noise and reading the tweets from Matthew Marinelli, a gameplan that is simple enough, so that I can consistently execute it, even under performance stress will be my first goal for this journey.

Goals for 2022:
- build a network with hard working players to move up in stakes together
- execute a clean keto diet and get from 25% bodyfat to 12%
- keep working out 3x a week
- daily meditation
- make the move from Zoom to normal tables after the RYE Course.
- apply at a CFP once I've layed down some foundations.

That was a long ass intro, sorry for that. I'll be posting hands/homework that I'm doing weekly and post some graphs once I'm willing to check it :P.

Gl to all of you :)

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