Trouble with a staking deal. Advice please.

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Trouble with a staking deal. Advice please.

I've been involved in a staking deal for just over a year now, grinding cash games online. It's been a good year for everyone involved. After some good months, and some tournament wins on the side (outside of the deal), I built up a decent bankroll for myself. I took some time off to go to vegas during the WSOP, and when I got back, wasn't really meeting any volume targets. I was playing a lot of live cash for myself (which is allowed), and generally just chilling out. My staker was pretty relaxed about this. Then after a friend sent me some money he owed me on stars, I started playing some zoom on there (Stars wasn't a site I was staked to play on) which was obviously a step too far. So I told my staker I wanted to go it alone. Problem was, I was in make-up for around 30-buyins. He demanded that I pay back 100% of the MU if I were to leave. I said that I wasn't willing to do this.. and then after a lot of back and forth I agreed to grind for him till I was out of it. Even after this, he is wanting to fine me 10% of everything I made while playing by myself, or add a third onto the make-up as punishment for playing outside of the deal. Is an apology and an assurance that I'll grind it back for him not enough in this case? Does he really have a right to demand that I pay money out of my pocket as punishment? I don't have too much experience with all of this, and at the moment it's just him and his partner's opinion against mine, which are both likely to be bias. 

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