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Uncles road to NL200 (and beyond?) [NL200 zoom ATM]

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Uncles road to NL200 (and beyond?) [NL200 zoom ATM]


I think its reasonable to start with a little intro since im new to this community. Im a 26 year old guy from Finland, been around playing for about 10 years. My main game has always been NLHE 6max, which i still greatly enjoy. Im currently playing nl100 zoom at stars ->

2017 :

About my strategy / playing philosophy:

I base my game around simplified strategy, which aims to exploit most of the player pool. Around that strategy i try to optimize my versus those players who seem to care about what im doing, since a lot what im doing is heavily exploitable. Ive been inspired a lot by Nick Howard and his thoughts, and ive been implementing many of them.

What to expect from this blog?

No idea. :D

I havent been active at writing and/or blogging and i dont have a clear vision what this blog will offer. Im hoping that i can offer some value by opening more how a play and think about the game. And maybe some hand histories, goals, results and all that usual stuff.

My personal goal for this blog

Building and expanding my poker network. Ive been a kind of lone grinder what comes to poker network and community. I know that there is a lot of value that im missing because my lack of poker buddies. Every time that your able to chance ideas and thoughts there is a possibility to learn. So im hoping that any of you who whos reading this and is remotely interested on expanding his/hers poker network just send my a PM or just comment to this blog! (:

I think this is enough to get things started,
Gl at tables and for 2018!

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