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course study group

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Posted by posted in From The Ground Up PLO

course study group


after going through the first chapter of the course, I'm gonna start working with the Preflop section on Monday. Because study groups have done great for me in my time in NLH, I wanted to create one for PLO, especially for people working with the same content. Therefore I'm looking for 3, maybe 4 people to work with closely, where we go through the content together, help each other with specific problems, share hands etc.

Some requirements for people to join:

  • no bad beat postings, crying about variance etc.
  • you can invest some time into the group, i.e. preparing the content we want to discuss etc.
  • you've ambitions to climb the stakes, so maybe this group goes from micro to midstakes together

how we want to structure the group exactly we are going to discuss once it's established :)

if this sounds like you, just post here in the thread and I'll set up a discord server, if some people are interested :)

best regards!

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