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€1100 Live MTT: Tough River Spot With KK

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€1100 Live MTT: Tough River Spot With KK

We're at day 1A of €1100 Unibet Open Glasgow last week, so this is going to be from memory. Blinds 600/1200-100. I open from UTG (my stack is about 120K) to 2400 with KKcs. MP flats, CO flats and BTN (stack about 80K) squeezes to 8000. I call, MP and CO fold.

Flop is QJJss.

I check, BTN bet a little over half pot, I call.

Turn is 3 no FD completes.

I check once again, BTN bets about half pot, I call.

River is a total brick, 2 no FD completes.

I check and BTN almost instantly announces all-in for almost 60K with is about a pot bet. I have a little about 80K. This on the second last level of the day. BTN has only been on the table for a couple of orbits, but from what I've seen he's one of the better players at the table and capable of squeezing wide in this spot. However he reps ultra thin plus I got some serious blockers especially with the K of spades.

What to do?

Note: I elect to just call his squeeze preflop, because though he's been at the table for only a couple of orbits BTN has seen me play AA x2 and one QQ pretty straight forward, for instance 4betting AA preflop and ending at showdown so I try to balance my range and keep his somewhat wide by just flatting. In heinseight I think it would be a big mistake to fold after having this gameplan preflop as I'm under repping my hand. Would like thoughts on this too.

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