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2-pair facing ~25bb turn jam

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2-pair facing ~25bb turn jam

Blinds: t150/t300 (9 Players) CO: 9,385
BN: 14,608
SB: 11,648
BB: 15,253 (Hero)
UTG: 9,582
UTG+1: 11,742
MP: 8,724
MP+1: 7,408
MP+2: 13,228
Villain from Brazil playing 13/9 over 45 hands.
Preflop (450) Hero is BB with 6 A
5 folds, CO raises to 600, 2 folds, Hero calls 300
I considered 3betting but it's shitty if I get jammed on so decided just to flat
Flop (1,620) 6 A 8
Hero checks, CO bets 535, Hero raises to 1,650, CO calls 1,115
Turn (4,920) 6 A 8 J
Hero bets 3,000, CO raises to 7,105 and is all in
Not sure what the optimal sizing is here. I realize the problem started with my flop x/r sizing, but either way I'm going to have an awkward SPR on the turn. Open to recommendations in terms of sizings. Anyway villain jams and I want to call but in hindsight I actually don't think I beat much that he plays this way, apart from a monster combo draw. Getting a great price though.

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