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$22 MTT: Facing Huge River Overbet

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$22 MTT: Facing Huge River Overbet

Blinds: t250/t500 (8 Players) MP: 970
MP+1: 27,405 (Hero)
CO: 6,675
BN: 23,480
SB: 7,520
BB: 12,645
UTG: 26,245
UTG+1: 19,690
Preflop (750) Hero is MP+1 with Q Q
UTG raises to 1,000, UTG+1 folds, MP calls 920 and is all in, Hero raises to 2,699, 4 folds, UTG calls 1,699
Flop (7,468) 7 5 6
UTG checks, Hero bets 1,955, UTG calls 1,955
Turn (11,378) 7 5 6 6
UTG checks, Hero checks
River (11,378) 7 5 6 6 2
UTG bets 8,000, Hero folds

Don't have any stats or reads on villain. We're just about midgame in an $22 MTT. Would like comments on the whole line, but of course especially on what to do on river.

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