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$3.30 Bubble Rush - A9

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$3.30 Bubble Rush - A9

Blinds: t4,500/t9,000 (6 Players) MP: 268,396
CO: 502,568
BN: 169,256
SB: 303,030
BB: 194,541 (Hero)
UTG: 455,802
Villain is pretty much unknown.
Preflop (13,500) Hero is BB with 9 A
UTG folds, MP calls 9,000, 3 folds, Hero checks
No idea what villain is limping with. Felt fine about just seeing a flop.
Flop (27,900) 2 A 6
Hero bets 9,000, MP calls 9,000
I figured I had the best hand here most of the time, but wasn't sure how to proceed, because I wasn't sure how many streets of value I would be able to get. My plan was to bet small on all streets, hoping to get called by 6x and maybe some small pocket pairs. I am not sure if I can get three streets from those, though.
Turn (45,900) 2 A 6 5
Hero bets 17,000, MP calls 17,000
River (79,900) 2 A 6 5 J
Hero bets 26,000, MP raises to 58,500, Hero folds
Final Pot MP wins 131,900

Comments on all streets appreciated. I felt kind of lost on every street.

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